The Martial Arts Styles that are predominant in MMA are different in many aspects. Where they were from and what their philosophy and Fighting tactics are. Some styles focus on Striking and some on Grappling. Some emphasize Kicks, others, Punches, and still others, Chokes and Joint Locks. And in the last 18 years or so they have all come together in one big experiment called Mixed Martial Arts.
To find out which styles are the best when it comes down to REAL Fighting. With only enough rules to protect the Fighters from SERIOUS brain damage. When Mixed Martial Arts started becoming popular in the U.S in the early 1990s with the first Ultimate Fighting Championships. Most of the fighters trained in only one style of Martial Art. Nowadays the fighters train in several different Martial Arts Styles, to be a more complete fighter. And while the experiment still goes on, some Martial Art styles have had more of a prominent role in MMA fighting than others..
But there is room for argument that some styles of Martial Arts just don't translate well to the Cage. Maybe a Martial Art that is purely for Killing and Maiming doesn't bode well for Mixed Martial Arts fighting. If a certain Martial Art puts an emphasis on pulling out eyeballs and ripping off lips, the fighter from that art would not fare well under ANY rules.
And while there are many fighters that began their Martial Arts training in Judo or Karate.
There are primarily four Styles of Martial Arts that almost all Mixed Martial Arts fighters train in:
A lot of other styles have donated some techniques to the experiment. But these four Martial Arts have proven many, if not most of their techniques are very effective in MMA.